Saturday, February 5, 2011

Falling Down

Often the first thing my dad would ask me when I came home from ballet, or skating practice was: 'Did you fall today'.  If I answered 'no', I would get the disapproving dad look.  Why? Because not falling meant I didn't take any chances, didn't try anything new and subsequently, had learned nothing. 

Today, over 100 women  took over the bike park at Joy Ride 150 for their first ever, but hopefully annual Women's Weekend. It was amazing to see so many women out riding their bikes and each one pushing their comfort zones a bit.  It was also incredible to see everyone cheer on their new friends as they mastered new skills.

I conquered a few of my own fears thanks to Charlotte who forced me to fall today.  And I mean, she actually made me unclip out of my pedals and fall off one of the higher logs.  It was what I needed to get over my fear; I think we all need that push sometimes.  Two summers ago, my husband Jeremy fell off his bike and broke his knee cap in two.  I've been pretty afraid of trying stuff on my bike since then because I am afraid to fall.  Today, after my forced fall, I was able to ride a bunch of stuff I've never been able to (or willing to try to do) before, because it forced me to get over my fear.  And a couple of times, I did come off the bike, but not all falls are catastrophic.  Most of them, teach you that you are not yet on the right path and need to make some adjustments.

So, today I took some chances, I fell and I learned.  Did you fall today?


  1. No but i still have an hour on the rollers to do,

  2. Nice post! Thanks for coming this weekend! What an amazing time.

  3. I fell on Saturday at Joyride and loved it!
